Radar and Ultrasonic - The Best of Both Technologies

Posted by TechStar on Jun 13, 2024 8:37:00 AM

When should you use Ultrasonic? And when is Radar more suitable? Thanks to our industry leading technology, and built-in DATEM echo discrimination algorithms in our software, you can usually count on ultrasonic level sensors to get the job done for you. However, there are some instances where you want to consider using a radar sensor.

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Topics: Level Solutions, radar, Pulsar

Level Measurement Solutions for Compressor Scrubbers

Posted by TechStar on Jan 24, 2023 9:23:00 AM

Natural gas can travel through thousands of miles of pipeline. In order to avoid pressure reductions and the resulting slowdowns caused by distance, friction, and elevation, natural gas must be pressurized. Compressors placed at key intervals keep the natural gas moving evenly and reliably. These compressors are generally grouped in stations, which are strategically located along the pipeline networks that transport and store the gas.

A typical compressor station consists of an inlet scrubber to collect liquids and slugs that may have formed in the gas pipeline. These compressor scrubbers have a primary section where liquids and solid parts are separated from the gas stream, and a secondary section where oil mist is removed. 

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Topics: Level Solutions, radar, Magnetrol

Managing Condensate Storage & Overflow

Posted by TechStar on Nov 23, 2021 9:25:00 AM

When it comes to commercial power generation, cogeneration (combined heat and power) or operating packaged boilers for process steam production, the recovery and storage of condensate plays an important role in overall operational cost and efficiency.

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Topics: Level Solutions, radar, Magnetrol, Orion Instruments

Why is the dynamic range of a radar sensor important?

Posted by TechStar on Aug 29, 2018 2:30:00 PM
This blog post was published by VEGA Americas.

Why does a large dynamic range improve visibility?

For most of us, the bat species Microchiroptera is not the first thing that springs when trying to think of examples of the astounding achievements of evolution. But with its echo-locating system, it is the top performer among mammals when it comes to seeing in the dark, which means it can more easily locate the smallest of insects for food. Radar sensors function according to a similar principle. The better they can hear their "locating sounds" – or, if figuratively applied to radar sensors, the greater the dynamics, – the better the visibility of the level echo. 

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Topics: radar

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