If you work in the natural gas industry or are an industrial user of natural gas, water dewpoint is not only a quality measurement but also a big concern. Water condensate presents serious challenges and issues for your process. It is highly corrosive and will form hydrates, which are ice-like solid molecules that can block the flow of gas in pipelines. In cold weather, it will also freeze reducing the pipe pressure.
Topics: Moisture Measurement Solutions, Analytical Solutions, AMETEK Process Instruments, Analyzer
Ski resorts in North America depend on snowfall for enthusiasts to enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. However, when nature does not cooperate, artificial snow is required to maintain the base level. Artificial snow consists of small particles of ice that are used to increase the snowpack. It is produced by a machine that uses a high-pressure pump to spray a mist of water into the cold air. The water droplets crystallize to form artificial snow.
Topics: Yokogawa, Flow Meter Solutions, flow
Pressure transducers measure pressure in response to changes at the source that cause the sensing element, also known as a diaphragm, to flex. The alterations to the diaphragm are recorded as measurements that are translated into signals. The signals travel on the transduction element and synchronize to provide instructions for the control system. There are many types of pressure transducers that can be customized to fit a multitude of environments.
Plant managers are continuous on the lookout for ways to improve the productivity and efficiency of plant processes. There is a growing need for solutions that simplify the collection of data from equipment. Yokogawa realized this demand in the process industry. Hence in 2019, the Sushi Sensor – a compact, wireless sensor for measuring vibration and temperature – was launched. This smart sensor is also optimized for Industrial IoT applications (IIoT). But what makes the Sushi Sensor special? For which assets are they applicable to and how does it realize preventive maintenance? In this blog, we’re going to answer 7 frequently asked questions about the Sushi Sensor.
Topics: Yokogawa, Wireless Sensor, vibration, Condition Monitoring, Temperature Solutions, Pressure Solutions, Sushi Sensor
A pressure transducer is a device that generates a signal in response to a pressure measurement of a liquid or gas. In this context, pressure is defined as the force per unit area that is required to maintain a substance’s density, level, flow, speed, or altitude. The technology, configuration, application, performance specifications of pressure transducers can vary widely.
The Ultimate Guide to Multi-Sensing Pressure Transmitters
A pressure transmitter is a device that creates a signal according to a pressure measurement of a liquid, vapor, or gas. Changes at the pressure source cause the diaphragm, or sensing element, to flex. The changes in the diaphragm are recorded as measurements. Measurements collected from the diaphragm response are translated into signals that travel on the transduction element to provide instructions to the control system. The control system sends instructions to maintain the preset density, level, flow, speed, or altitude. The technology, configuration, application, performance specifications of pressure transducers can vary widely.
Wireless Remote Monitoring of Tank Hatch & Pump Jack Status
Understanding the operational status of tank hatches and pump jacks at any given time is essential to maintain oil field productivity and regulatory compliance. SignalFire introduces a new multi-purpose wireless inclinometer that can monitor the status of tank hatch position or pump jack motion as part of a SignalFire Remote Sensing System. The patent-pending Tilt SCOUT uses a three-axis sensor that continually monitors angle to detect the orientation of a tank hatch or the motion of a pump jack. With feedback from the wireless sensor, workers can determine if a tank hatch is ajar and/or a pump jack is idle, and can take immediate corrective action to ensure proper and compliant operations.
Topics: Signal Fire, Wireless Sensor, Wireless and Telemetry Solutions
Pressure instrument enclosures provide insulation, explosion-proof heating, heat shrink entry protection, and mounting systems for instruments such as probes, sample take off and conditioning cabinets, and transmitters. Pressure instrument enclosures are critical safety shields and barriers for volatile environments. Pressure Instrument Enclosures are comprehensive solutions for the range of vulnerabilities imposed on instruments by the operating conditions. High pressure testing enclosures protect pressure transmitters in extreme conditions. Pressure instruments must maintain validity and reliability, and enclosures are needed to provide protections against temperature, wind, vapors, gases, mechanical stress, and corrosion. The industrial protection products are designed to mitigate hazards and meet needs of specific operations and facilities. The functionality of multiple structures is united in a single unit, so installation, accountability, and servicing are streamlined. Furthermore, operational efficiency is optimized.
Widely used in most industries, absolute pressure sensor applications provide specific measurements to meet both design and production needs. The steady growth of the global food packaging market size is one proof – where the main contributor is the consistent use of absolute pressure transmitters for their vacuum-sealed packaging.
When it comes to commercial power generation, cogeneration (combined heat and power) or operating packaged boilers for process steam production, the recovery and storage of condensate plays an important role in overall operational cost and efficiency.
Topics: Level Solutions, radar, Magnetrol, Orion Instruments